Tisch Environmental is the benchmark for high volume air sampling, particulate, metals, volatiles, and specialty monitoring equipment. Since the company’s inception in 1954 as General Metal Works, our product line has expanded from the first high volume air sampler to include high-tech and custom samplers. Our clients are professionals from every sector of the regulatory and industrial markets.
We are the experts in high volume air sampling, lead sampling, lead samplers, particulate monitoring, particulate emissions, pesticide monitoring, pesticide sampling, total suspended particles, particulate samplers, Federal Reference Method PM-10, Federal Reference Method PM2.5, EPA Method TO-4A, EPA Method TO-9A, EPA Method TO-13A, and much more.
TEI is a family business located in the Village of Cleves, Ohio. TEI employs skilled personnel who average over 20 years of experience each in the design, manufacture, and support of air pollution monitoring equipment. Our modern well-equipped factory, quality philosophy, and experience have made TEI the supplier of choice for air pollution monitoring equipment. Now working on the fourth generation, TEI has state-of-the-art manufacturing capability and is looking into the future needs of today’s environmental professionals.